Friday, February 28, 2025

On that day there shall be no light, cold, or frost. And there shall be a unique day, which is known to the LORD, neither day nor night, but at evening time there shall be light.

Zechariah 14:4-9

On that day there shall be no light, cold, or frost. And there shall be a unique day, which is known to the LORD, neither day nor night, but at evening time there shall be light. Zechariah 14:6-7

I continue my study of the last four books of the OT (complete: Zephaniah, Haggai; to complete: Zechariah, Malachi) - using the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary volume for this book.  For today, my focus is an unassisted review of Zechariah 14:4-9, which the commentary outlines as the third of four divisions for the text 13:2-14:21 (13:2-9, 14:1-3, 14:4-9, 14:10-21).  The text continues to unfold God's message to His people through Zechariah regarding a prophecy of end times.  V4 refers to on that day, consistent with preceding text on how this day refers to the Battle of Armageddon.  V4 describes how Jerusalem will be split in two and v5 shares how God's people will flee the earthquake described as similar to the earthquake during King Uzziah's reign (see Amos 1:1).  Revelation 16:18 also describes an earthquake, which of course will be "such as there had never been since man was on the earth, so great was that earthquake."  V5c then shares how God will come, "and all the holy ones with him."  V6 then describes the new creation (see also Revelation 21) that will result after God's final victory over Satan.  The day is described as unique - known to the Lord - but of course unique and unseen by earthly bodies.  V8 describes living waters that flow east and west from Jerusalem - these living waters seem reminiscent to the waters in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2) implying how with the New Creation in Revelation, God's people are restored to the state in which they lived before the Fall.  V9 concludes the text for this division by sharing how God reigns over all and how He will be one and "his name one."  Once again, believers can take great comfort knowing that God has already won the victory over sin and death and that we are saved and He is saving a place for us in the New Creation!  Take comfort and rejoice!

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My Prayer: Father God, what an amazing Father You are that You love and care for me, protect me, give me comfort, guide me, provide for me, and You save!  Thank You Jesus!  I am not deserving of this amazing grace!  My sin is great and it continues...daily.  Please forgive me Jesus and help me overcome and turn from my sin towards You. Help me love You with all of my heart, soul, and mind and love others as You love me.  Help me grow in my faith.  Give Lisa and myself wisdom and strength.  Please continue to heal Lisa of her cancer and from the side effects of chemo. Help us lead Zach and Dustin to You Jesus and for them to choose You as their Lord and Savior. Please provide Godly friends and spouses to Zach and Dustin.  Help me serve You, my family, my church, and others.  Help me understand, be obedient to, and apply Your message for me today and every day.