But they shook off the dust from their feet against them and went to Iconium. And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:51-52
While I have completed my study of Zechariah and it's time to transition to Malachi (as part of my study of the last four books of the OT using the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary volume for this book), I pause before moving to Malachi to study Acts 13-14 as preparation for my Sunday school discussion this upcoming Sunday. Acts 13-14 comprise Paul's first missionary journey, as depicted by this map shows - from Antioch to Cyprus, to southern Asia Minor, and back to Antioch. In Acts 13:16-41 Paul boldly proclaims the gospel to Jews in the synagogue at Antioch in Pisidia. Many followed Paul after he spoke and this led to "almost the whole city gather[ing] to hear the word of the Lord" (v44). This led the Jews to be full of jealousy of Paul (and Barnabas his companion) and "began to contradict what was spoken by Paul, reviling him" (v45). This led Paul and Barnabas to respond boldly in v46-47 that because the Jews rejected the Good News, were turning to the Gentiles who "rejoic[ed] and glorif[ied] the Word of the Lord as many as were appointed to eternal life believed" (v48). The Word then began to spread throughout the region (v49). The Jews incited persecution (v50) and drove Paul and Barnabas out. But Paul and Barnabas shook the dust from their feet and went to Iconium (v51) and the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit (v52). We are encouraged to know God's Word as Paul - notice how Paul confidently drew on his knowledge of the Old Testament and Biblical patriarchs/matriarchs - did and to proclaim the Good News boldly. While we should strive to be clear and bold in the delivery of the Good News, we are not responsible for people's reaction. If people reject God's Word, we are to continue to proclaim the Good News boldly. We are to shake the dust from our feet and to continue sharing the Gospel.
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My Prayer: Father God, You are an awesome God and You are my savior! Thank You for Your Word, the the Good News that helps me know You better, including what pleases You. I want to please and glorify You because You are worthy and it's because I exist. I am undeserving of my salvation and how You speak to me through Your Word. My sin is great and it continues...daily. Please forgive me Jesus and help me overcome and turn from my sin towards You. Help me love You with all of my heart, soul and mind and love others as You love me. Help me grow in my faith. Give Lisa and myself wisdom and strength. Please continue to heal Lisa of her cancer and from the side effects of chemo. Help us lead Zach and Dustin to You Jesus and for them to choose You as their Lord and Savior. Please provide Godly friends and spouses to Zach and Dustin. Help me serve You, my family, my church, and others. Help me understand, be obedient to, and apply Your message for me today and every day.