Friday, January 3, 2014

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away

Matthew 24

 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." v35

As Matthew continues to warn us of false prophets and the end of times, he reminds us of the eternal nature of Jesus.  We must focus on Jesus because He will never go away...never.  

I know that that everything in my life is temporal and earthly...yet Jesus is permanent and eternal.  I can place everything I have...all of my Jesus because of this.

My Prayer: Lord Jesus...You were there at the beginning of all times and You will be there at the end of times...and You will save all of Your children to join You in eternity in awesome is that.  You are worthy of my praise for this and so many other reasons.  I love You Jesus.  Yet I am not worthy of all of the love and blessing You provide.  I fail to honor you with my work here on least in terms of my work being clear that I work for that my earthly masters are clear that there is something at work in me and this is Jesus Christ.  Thank You that You have loved me but please forgive me Jesus for such laziness.  Help me turn from this sin and help me glorify You with all aspects of my life.  Help me be the man You intend for me.