Monday, March 14, 2011

When You Follow the Ways of the Lord, Others Follow As Well...But Always Follow the Lord

2 Kings Chp 12

 1 In the seventh year of Jehu, Joash became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem forty years. His mother’s name was Zibiah; she was from Beersheba. 2 Joash did what was right in the eyes of the LORD all the years Jehoiada the priest instructed him. (verses 1-2)

Unlike many of the descendants of David, Joash "did what was right in the eyes of the Lord".  What strikes me here is that others also do right in the eyes of the Lord as evidenced in how money for the rebuilding of the temple was collected, stored, and distributed:

13 The money brought into the temple was not spent for making silver basins, wick trimmers, sprinkling bowls, trumpets or any other articles of gold or silver for the temple of the LORD; 14 it was paid to the workers, who used it to repair the temple. 15 They did not require an accounting from those to whom they gave the money to pay the workers, because they acted with complete honesty. (verses 13-15)

Yet, evil persists and eventually officials from within Joash's administration succumb and ultimately conspire to kill him.

The lesson here is that while looking towards men who do good is not is simply not enough.  You must look towards God and God alone to determine what is right.

My Prayer: Lord, you ARE good and your ways are good.  Forgive me when I don't follow you or when I ignore your word.  Forgive me for my worry.  Help me love you more, lean on you, and trust and love you fully.  Help me obey you fully. Help me look towards you alone.