Monday, December 6, 2010

Truth Is Everywhere - If Yor Are Listening

Today’s Reading

“In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions.

In the OT, the ten commandments existed and while God had spoken directly to the Israelites at the foot of Mt Sinai, from that point forward due to fear, the Israelites did not have God speak to them directly. Instead they did so through prophets.  Samuel became one of those prophets.  With Christ we have the Lord our God, through Him he can talk directly through prayer and other means, we also have the Word itself, pastors, our Christian brothers and sisters – all of whom serve as means for us to understand the Lord’s word for us. 

My Prayer: Your word for me is beyond wisdom – it is Truth.  Thank you for how you have provided Truth in my life. Forgive me when I neglect or do not listen to any one of the ways that you can talk to me.  Help me focus on ALL the ways that you speak to me. 

NOTE: Transcription of offline study from 03DEC.