Monday, December 6, 2010

Struggle or Submit – Or Both?

Today’s Reading

Although Hannah’s womb was closed (v5),  she prays (v10-11) to the Lord who in turn gives Hannah a child (v20).  The interesting question here for me is whether Hannah should have submitted to God’s will regarding her infertility.  Since God caused (v5) her infertility, should Hannah not have peacefully submitted to His will and understood how she was to be used regarding His purpose if she was not to be a mother?  Instead she struggled with this – see v7, 10, and 15-16.

As it sometimes is, this is not a black and white issue.  Of course, we are to submit, find peace and joy with how God blesses us.   While God wants us to faithfully submit and serve Him based on what we have, struggle is OK as long as it does not get in the way of us being faithful to God or walking away from God?  Struggle and back and forth with God is a healthy sign of a relationship with God.

My Prayer:
Lord, I have seen how you use all of my blessings and experiences for your glory and your plan is perfect.   Thank you for how you have helped me protected me, overcome and how you have blessed me. Forgive me when I disobey you, when I don’t follow you, and when I don’t trust you.  Help me stay close to you, help me understand how my current circumstance is by your design and that I should stay near to you so I can be part of your perfect plan.

NOTE: Transcription from offline study 30NOV.