Tuesday, July 26, 2011

...for true wisdom has two sides. Know this: God has even forgotten some of your sin

Job Chp 11

As Job reflects on his situation in chapter 10, there is certainly alot of "whoa is me".  His musings also indicated that he feels God has forsaken him. 

In chapter 11, his friend Zophar responds.  And Zophar offers many great words of comfort, some of which will ultimately speak to Job, although Job is not really listening right now (I can appreciate this).

Oh, how I wish that God would speak,
   that he would open his lips against you
6 and disclose to you the secrets of wisdom,
   for true wisdom has two sides.
   Know this: God has even forgotten some of your sin. 

Indeed!  As I reflect on this, I think to myself that when I feel I have wisdom (which is something I feel quite bit and I pray that God can rid me of my pride and self-righteousness), I fail to recognize that:
  • whatever wisdom I do have is God given
  • God is all knowing of all wisdom
  • I can of course never know more than God
  • I can never hide anything from God, even sin
This said, it is clear to me that yes wisdom does have two sides - there is the vessel through which wisdom is delivered, and then there is God where all wisdom exists.  I am merely a vessel through which wisdom is delivered and whoa is me I far too often fail to recognize that the OTHER side of wisdom.  I feel deeply humbled by this passage and in particular by Zophar words that God has even forgotten some of your sin.  Yes He has and I am no one compared to God!  Who am I to be above others when just as sinful as any other?

My Prayer: God, Your ARE TRUTH!  Your wisdom abounds and knows no end.  You know me top to bottom and I am SO thankful that you HAVE forgotten some of my sin!  Forgive me for my self righteousness and forgive me for feeling that I am above others.  While I don't desire to be struck down, I know that I am deserving of your wrath for feeling as if I am better than others.  Please purify me of these feelings and help me be a vessel through which your light, your love, and your wisdom flows.