Friday, July 8, 2011

Reminder To Walk With Brothers and Sisters Through Life and Walk With Christ

Job Chp 5

After Job speaks in anguish, his friend Eliphaz the Temanite replies and offers words of wisdom about the refuge and healing only God can offer:

8 “But if I were you, I would appeal to God;
   I would lay my cause before him. 


18 For he wounds, but he also binds up;
   he injures, but his hands also heal. 

The question in my mind is: do I have brothers and sisters in my life like Eliphaz that can walk alongside me in my life (regardless of the circumstances) and walk with Christ?  This chapter underscores how important it is to walk with my brothers and sisters, that we cannot do this life by ourselves.  It is through brothers and sisters like Eliphaz that we can pointed to the one eternal Truth and Savior - Christ alone.

My Prayer: Lord, daily I see your work as you have blessed me beyond anything I deserve and through this I know you love me and you will protect me.  Yet I know I can love you more and I can trust you more...please forgive me that I hold back in my love and trust in you.  Help me surround myself with brothers and sister like Eliphaz so that I can be reminded of the one and only eternal Truth and that is you Lord Christ.