Monday, August 1, 2011

Am I On Purpose or Am I Wasting Away?

Job Chp 13

Similar to a theme being echoed in sermons at our church, we are entrusted with many things and God calls us to be on purpose, regardless of our circumstances.  

In this chapter of Job, you see Job who is unable to see how God's great and glorious will is being worked in his life.  While it is not for us to judge Job here, and it would be difficult for any of us to react any differently, Job wallows is his troubles here...questioning how this could serve any purpose for God's glory:

28 “So man wastes away like something rotten, 
   like a garment eaten by moths.

The question is not so much whether Job sees God's glory in his difficulties, it is rather that with our own circumstances do we act like Job does and "waste away" opportunities to glorify God?

I know for myself it is too often "Yes" to this question.  

My Prayer: Lord, Your ways are great and your wisdom, love and mercy are also great.  You have awesome plans for all that we experience and You orchestrate all of it for us to be part of Your great plan - how awesome is that - we get to be part of Your plan!  Yet however awesome this is, we act selfishly and we disobey...complaining like a child that we don't want to do this or that.  Instead we fritter away our days, our talents, and our treasure and allow them to "waste away".  Please forgive me for this Lord because I know for myself that I am guilty of this and I need Your strength to stay on purpose.  Help me lean on You Lord so that I can fulfill my role in Your great plan.