Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Indeed...We Must Protect Ourselves From "Bribes"

Job Chp 15

Again, one of Job's friends - Eliphaz - responds to Job.  What strikes me in Eliphaz's response is the following:

34 For the company of the godless will be barren,
   and fire will consume the tents of those who love bribes. 

Eliphaz is admonishing Job for speaking so harshly of God and he warns Job that his continued rage against God may lead Job further away from God and this of course will not be a good outcome for Job.

As I view this statement through the lens of my own experience, I can truly say that life is meaningless and barren without God.  And yes, there are many "bribes" that distract us from our focus on God, and on His commandment to love Him and serve Him with all of our heart and that there not be other Gods.

When you look up the definition of bribe, you see that one of its definitions and the one that applies to the scripture here I believe is "something that serves to induce or influence".  In other words, we are easily distracted as Eliphaz warns Job...WE love bribes don't we?  Certainly speaking for myself there are many things when dangled in front of me, distract me and influence me.  The key is to focus on truth and on Him.

My Prayer: Lord, I know you are the Great Protector.  You are full of love, grace and mercy, and my life on earth is not deserving of such love, grace, mercy, and protection.  Yet you continue to love on me...You are a great God.  Please forgive me for being easily bribed, influenced, and distracted.  Help me focus more intently on You and on Your will for my life.  Please protect little Dustin with His surgery (tubes) tomorrow and help this go successfully. Help me return home safely tomorrow and help me be the man You intend me to be.