Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Respect and Emulate the Lord

Psalm 2

In Psalm 1 it is  written to "delight in the law of the LORD and to meditate on the law day and night."  Here in Psalm 2 it is written to "respect" the Lord.   We are to live in fear of the Lord because His might and wrath is great for those who rise up against Him.  As we are all sinners we are all guilty of rising up against God.  Perhaps we can rationalize that our sin is not as great as those who more prominently seek to rise up against God but that is not our judgement to make. 

While it is written hear to be fearful -

Serve the LORD with fear
   and celebrate his rule with trembling.

- my view is that we are not so much to live in fear of a God that angry, but instead to live with a healthy fear of God.  The healthy fear starts with a recognition that He is God of all and capable of all.  We then appreciate how He created all of us and loves each us as His children.  And He died for us to give us a new life - one that is hopeful and eternal.  We take in all of this and can only be left with respect and admiration to the extent that we must try and emulate in our own life the ways of Christ; with a goal to glorify Him.  While I can appreciate that God can strike me down at any moment, I am not driven in my daily life by this fear.  Instead I am driven to know and love a great God that cares for me and wants to bless me (as He has already and will continue to).  This is the balance I see between Psalm 1 and 2.  Delight and fear.

My Prayer: Lord, you ARE creator and ruler of all.  Forgive me as I "rise up" against you daily by seeking other Gods, whether that is through my own reason and powers, or other Gods that I employ as masters in my life.  Please forgive me Lord.  Help me focus on You as creator and ruler of all - a God that has created me and loves me beyond words.  Help me emulate you and serve you.