Thursday, September 1, 2011

I Want To See His Face


David indicates here that the righteous will see the Lord's face:

For the LORD is righteous,
   he loves justice;
   the upright will see his face.

Indeed, I DO want to see His face.  I also want to hear His voice.  For this of course to happen, I must be righteous.  Righteousness, as defined in the dictionary, is "to act in accord, with the law" of course as defined by the Lord.  To this end, I seek to repent from my sin and I seek to be purified by my sin - this is first and foremost.  I must also seek Him - to delight in His word and His ways.  All of this is tied together.

My Prayer: Lord, Your blessings in my life are unmistakable.  Yet I am broken and I don't deserve such blessings.  Forgive me for my critical nature of others and purify me of this sin.  Help me also have wisdom for new career opportunities and help me glorify you with you I go about this process.  Help me seek you out and to delight in Your word and Your ways.  Help me love and serve You with all of my heart.