Thursday, September 15, 2011

Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.

Psalm 27

Many of the psalms speak of protection from evil and how David takes refuge through his faith in God.  I do believe that God can, does, and will protect us from evil yet the one verse that strikes me tonight is verse 10:

Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me. 

For me the use of father and mother by David in this verse exemplify how the "earthly" realm is no place for anyone to seek any god of any kind.  Lots of things we know cannot be gods but our earthly mother and father shouldn't forsake us as other people do....yet they do relative to God as human beings cannot be perfect.  If the most important primary relationships in our lives are not worthy of idol worship, then nothing or anyone else in the earthly realm can match Yahweh or God as the one true God who can, does and will receive us.

I know God has already received me, and he will continue to receive me both here on earth and when I die.

My Prayer: Lord, like nothing else and like no one else, YOU are the one and only true God and I am in awe that You love me and You want me to be in your kingdom.  Awesome!  Yet for all of this I feel unworthy and desperately need you to forgive me for my anger and bad behavior.  You see it all.  Please forgive me.  Rid me of my anger and purify me.  Transform my heart and my life and help me receive You so that I can more and more like You.