Tuesday, September 20, 2011

19 How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you,

Psalm 31

 19 How abundant are the good things  that you have stored up for those who fear you...

The questions I ask myself today in light of this Psalm include:
  • do I feel like I am living the good life (according to this Psalm)
  • do I act outwardly like I am living the good life?
  • if yes to the previous two questions, am I drawing others to the Lord because of my actions and do I have greater opportunities to spread the word?
I definitely feel like I am living the good life - with my Lord and my Savior Jesus Christ I definitely feel blessed.  Recently I have also felt a much softer heart to those things that would otherwise have me act NOT as if living the good life...for this I see heart and life transformation at work - thank you God!  Yet on the final questions, I am not so sure - although I DO feel something stirring...

My Prayer: Lord, I continue to see heart and life transformation in my life through You and for this I amazed at how You work and how You answer prayer - You are awesome!  This is no other truth except You Lord Jesus!  Yet in the same breath I can see my own shortcomings - whether they be anger or criticism towards others, or other sin.  For this of course Lord I ask your forgiveness, and I ask that purify, refine, and transform me.  Please help me draw others to you and help me be bold in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.