Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fear of God is Healthy and the Wicked Will be Judged!

Job Chp 20

Through this ongoing back and forth between Job and his friends, we see Job claiming how God has forsaken him and how this is unfair relative to how those who are wicked avoid scorn.  We also see how Job's friends try and remind Job that God is watching the wicked and they will be judged.

29 Such is the fate God allots the wicked,
   the heritage appointed for them by God.” 

For me, this pattern is familiar.  Looking at my own circumstances I often complain that others have it easier, even those with whom I can find fault.  I then, at least in my mind, scorn these people and pump up myself through pride.  Yet clearly this is not right in God's eyes.  My circumstances are my own and they are God intended or the result of my own sin or decision.  Others' circumstances are their own and either God intended or the result of their decisions.  Either way I need to:
- avoid scorn of others
- avoid self righteous behavior where I pump up myself by judging others
- understand that wicked behavior of others is NOT something I should concern myself with, unless it is that of a fellow believer where I can speak truth to a brother or sister (in an encouraging way)
- be on the lookout for my own wicked behavior and know that God is in control and one way or another wicked behavior will be judged, and God will use my circumstances for good if I follow His will

My Prayer: Lord, You create everything for a purpose and You are able to use me even though I am far from perfect and clearly broken!  How great you are!  Forgive me for my neglect and forgive me for my pride and own wicked behavior.  Help me draw near to you and I pray that you will purify me of my sin and pride.