Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It is not good for the man to be alone

Genesis 3

It is not good for the man to be alone Genesis 2:18

God knows that we are in a battle with the flesh - that our desire to sin can be more powerful than our desire for Him.  For this reason, God gives us a helper - a wife.  

And He also gives us "one anothers" in our lives for us to support and encourage each other in our growth in Christ.  Our social context and our relationships are important. 

It is important to look out for Satan and to use our helpers and the "one anothers" in our lives.

Who we associate with is important, as I have read here.  In The Good and Beautiful God, we are reminded that social context is important (see page 21).

And in Acts 2:44, I am reminded once again of the importance of the "one anothers".

My Prayer: Lord, You are an awesome God in that You have not only provided a helper in Lisa but also "one anothers" in my life.  I am not worthy of such love and blessings.  I sin - and I sin daily.  I think and speak badly of people and this is wrong.  I am am thankful that You love me anyway yet I ask that You forgive me Jesus.  Help me strengthen my faith and help me lead in my household and in my community.