Friday, November 19, 2010

Do We Need An Earthly Leader?

Today's Reading
Judges Chp 21

Must we as humans have an earthly leader to provide direction and protection?  The Israelites clearly seemed to think so and without one, sin ruled.

The last few chapters of Judges begin with "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit. "  And the last chapter of Judges ends with this statement.

After God spoke directly to the Israelites through the fire and cloud at the base of Mt Sinai the Israelites, out of fear, requested to speak to God only through others such as Moses and Joshua.  Without such a leader or king, the Israelites cannot sustain their faith, trust and obedience in God. 

The question becomes, don't we place earthly people ahead of God in our lives.  We may place pastors often ahead of our own relationship with God.  For example, if we only attend church and hear the sermon once a week, don't we place emphasis of the pastor and the church above our own daily relationship with God?

My Prayer: Lord, you are powerful, wise, loving, and merciful.  Forgive me when I seek this through others - a king if you may.  Help me deepen my relationship with you, desire for you, love for you, trust of you, faith in you, and obedience to you.