Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hardness of Hearts Restricts Flow of Love

Today's Reading
Genesis chps 37

I am struck by the following verse:

"When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him". (Gen 37:4)

My own perspective - not that I have not been guilty of this myself to some extent - is that when you harden your heart, you restrict the flow of love both to and from yourself. I suppose this would work in the same way blood flow would work and if you have a blockage in your heart you have a similar restriction.

Further, when I am angry at somebody, I am likely to not love, but rather lash out and harm (either in person or not). I am also likely to block any gestures of goodwill or love from this person.

My Prayer: Lord I pray that I may love others regardless of how they act towards me. This may be very difficult in certain situations but I know that this is your will - that I love others as you love us. Help me so that I not harden my heart - forgive me when I do, and instead help me be you to others.