Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the LORD delivers them in times of trouble.

Psalm 41

Blessed are those who have regard for the weak;
   the LORD delivers them in times of trouble.  (verse 1)

A dictionary review of "regard" indicates: "thoughtful and sympathetic regard".  This causes me to expand my view of weak to include anyone worthy of sympathy.  Isn't everyone worthy of sympathy?

My Prayer: Indeed as I read yesterday I continue to marvel in the wonders You have done for me Lord - how great You are!  I am blessed beyond what I deserve and then some.  Forgive me for the hardness of my heart towards others, in particular at work.  Please help me see everyone as You do - that everyone is worthy of not only sympathy but of course love.  Help me Love everyone as You intend.  Please transform my heart and my life in this area.