Thursday, October 20, 2011

God's Plan Is Not Known, But It Is Great and There is No Way to Stop His Plan

Acts 16

Through BSF study and the discussion we have had on the topic, I have come to appreciate the role of divine appointments.   Here in Acts 16, we see a woman named Lydia with whom Paul and his followers meet and she is baptized and she becomes a believer.   Then Lydia invites Paul and his companions to her house and Paul heals a woman by freeing demons from her.  He and Silas are immediately arrested, beaten and thrown in jail.

They then prayed and sang hymns to God and God creates and earthquake that creates fear in the jailers and officers and Paul and Silas are released.  Of course the jailer and his entire household come to the Lord and then proceed to Lydia's house.

There is no stopping God's great and glorious plan - God's plan here of course is to spread the news of Jesus and to grow his kingdom of believers.  All we can do, as Paul and Silas did,  is pray to God for wisdom to act and make wise choices to follow and submit to Him.  We must also ask how our current circumstances are to be used by God because He creates and uses all of these circumstances (good and bad) for His glory. 

My Prayer: Lord, Your Plan Is Great and Your Will Is Perfect.  Thank you for how you have provided me with a job.  Give me wisdom about the actions to take to follow your will about where you want my job to be.  Help me understand both the power and the wisdom of my circumstances in terms of how you want me to take my next step.  Help me endure hardship and persevere either in my job search or in my current job if that is your will and help me make decisions that are wise and to act boldly on these decisions.