Saturday, October 8, 2011

Come quickly to help me, my Lord and my Savior.

Psalm 38

I often think that I don't need protection. I don't face physical harm...and I don't feel as if I have any enemies.  So when I read this Psalm from David (and many others like this), I don't feel like God is talking to me and I move on.  Yet today, as I begin to emerge from the shadows of a dark valley where I have been for the past several weeks, I am clear that I DO need protection.

I need protection from my own thoughts that form as a result of Satan's attacks and Satan's desire to separate me from God.

It is true from pastor Scott's sermon that true rest can only be found in Him.

I found solace in the closing verses of this Psalm:

21 LORD, do not forsake me;
   do not be far from me, my God.
22 Come quickly to help me,
   my Lord and my Savior.  

My Prayer: Lord, I know You are everywhere all the time and present in my life anytime I seek You.  What an incredible God You are that You are not only this to me but to ANYONE who seeks you!  Forgive me please Lord for my neglect of You and for my sin of lust.  Please please forgive me.  Forgive me for my neglect of my family.  Thank you for how you bless me despite my failures - for you bless me even though I don't deserve it.  Please help me Lord continue to seek You out - daily.  Protect me from Satan - all the time.  Help me be the man You desire me to be.