Tuesday, October 25, 2011

More Evidence That We Are To Walk With Each Other

Acts 18

For me the most striking verses in this chapter have to do with with what Paul, Aquilla, and Priscilla (and others) were doing to strengthen existing believers:

After spending some time in Antioch, Paul set out from there and traveled from place to place throughout the region of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples.  


24 Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures. 25 He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and he spoke with great fervor and taught about Jesus accurately, though he knew only the baptism of John. 26 He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately.
27 When Apollos wanted to go to Achaia, the brothers and sisters encouraged him and wrote to the disciples there to welcome him. When he arrived, he was a great help to those who by grace had believed. 28 For he vigorously refuted his Jewish opponents in public debate, proving from the Scriptures that Jesus was the Messiah. 

I know that we are to walk together as Christian brothers and sisters.  And I know that we are to encourage, build up, and strengthen each other.  And these verses serve to reinforce this for me as I understand how this became foundational for the early church.

My Prayer: Lord, You have blessed me with great brothers and sisters that have that have significantly grown my faith and for this and I so thankful!  You are an awesome God and Your ways are great - oh how Your divine appointments are miracles in my eyes.  Help me stay as pure as possible.  Help me stay close to You.  Help me serve and love You.  Help me trust you Lord.  Help me follow You.