Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Humility Defined As Trusting God Even When You Don't Want To

Today's Reading
2 Samuel Chps 8-9

I know that humility is important.  In this story with David, I see humility because David reaches out to a lame son of Jonathan and shows kindness and compassion...is is I suppose humility through lack of arrogance.  David could have had anything.  In fact, the Lord was giving David military victory everywhere he went:

The LORD gave David victory wherever he went. 2 Samuel 8:6


The LORD gave David victory wherever he went. 2 Samuel 8:14

Yet, with all of the power that David had, David worked to do what was just, good, and right:

David reigned over all Israel, doing what was just and right for all his people. 2 Samuel 8:15

More specifically, the humility I see with David is that David focuses on God's glory and not his own.  David's humility results in him "taking in" the lame son of Jonathan - Mephibosheth.  David reaches out to Mephibosheth and ensures that he has provision and care for the rest of his life - despite that he is lame in both feet and he is an offspring of Saul's family - and Saul sought David's death.

 “Don’t be afraid,” David said to him, “for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan. I will restore to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul, and you will always eat at my table.” 2 Samuel 9:7

We must avoid temptation to circumvent God's will and focus on our own glory vs God's glory.  

Right now, I can see that I am trying to circumvent God's will in the rearing of my own son Zach.  I am trying to force Zach into a love of Christ.  This is not my job!  I am to shepherd his heart - and pray that God grows in Zach's heart.  I must trust God and not force my will onto Zach.  This is difficult because I want Zach to love the Lord.

My Prayer:  Lord...Father...you have come into my heart and my life and transformed me and saved me from eternal death and a life of sin here on earth.  You ARE GREAT!  Forgive me for my neglect and laziness regarding my relationship, study, prayer, and quiet time.  I thank you that you can and will forgive me.  And I thank you for my blessings - primarily my family, Lisa, Zach and Dustin.  But there is so much more!  Thank you Lord Father!  I pray that I can humble myself by trusting in you and seeking out your guidance and direction with Zach.  Reveal to me how I can shepherd his heart.