Tuesday, July 22, 2014

“My hour has not yet come.”

John 2

“My hour has not yet come.” v4

Jesus often responds to requests or please for help not with a yes or no but with a statement or a question - His response is not often what we seek but it is what He seeks in particular He seeks growth and maturity in our faith.  In this case Jesus responds to His mother with a statement that makes it clear that God's timing is different than our own and that we need to be mindful of this and perhaps He wants us to be more patient or He wants to be more aware of the current circumstances and how these circumstances are part of God's plan.  We often want to change our circumstances when God has us just where He wants us. 

My Prayer: Lord Jesus - You are indeed a great God and Your will, design and plan is perfect.  I have seen it play out in my life time and time again and I am prayerful and hopeful that I can be patient in Your timing.  Many times I am not however and I get frustrated or angry - sometimes in inadvertently at others.  Yet You continue to forgive and bless me.  I am not worthy of such love as I continue to be impatient and often angry.  Forgive me Jesus and help me turn towards You.  Help me love You with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength.