Monday, October 18, 2010

Do What!? March Around the City 6 Times!? Then Blow Trumpets and Shout on the 7th Time!?

Today's Reading
Joshua Chp 6

Although this is a familiar bible story, I noticed something upon reading it this time?  Is it not strange that God conquered the city of Jericho by just having Joshua's men march around the city with the ark of the covenant 6 times without saying or doing anything, then on the 7th try with trumpets blaring and with a shout, the walls of the city crumble and the city is conquered without a fight?

Yes, this is how the story goes and to me this is a great example of how God calls us out of our comfort zone to do "strange" things so that we can see how we are part of God's great design and he can use anyone and anything and any circumstance for his glory - we just need to trust and follow him.  It then becomes a matter of staying close to God so that we can notice when he is talking to us.  Ask others if they feel your conversation with God is in line with scripture and in line with how they envision God using you.

My Prayer: Lord, I know you have used me in what may seem strange circumstances for your glory.  All of this is a mystery to me but I am nonethelss in awe of how you work - you bring it all together Lord!  How awesome you are!  Forgive me for my recent neglect of you and my resulting sin which has separated me from you.  Help purify me and keep me close to you.  Thank you for your wisdom and guidance and continue to guide me as a husband, father, worker, and a leader of men.  Help me desire you more every day, help me listen to you, help me trust you, and help me obey and follow you.