Thursday, November 29, 2012

Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.

Isaiah 25

Lord, you are my God;
I will exalt you and praise your name,
for in perfect faithfulness
you have done wonderful things,
things planned long ago.

A few weeks ago, our worship pastor sermoned on the importance of worship.  Take away is that we are made for worship, in everything we do.  This past week, the sermon emphasized that our worship and thanks should be for Him not for what He has done for us.

I of course agree that God has done wonderful things and He is above all - He IS worthy of our praise not just in song but in everything we do.

My Prayer: Lord, You are the only true God - perfect, blameless, holy, almighty, all knowing and all loving.  Amazing.  I need You in my heart and life not just for what You do in wiping my sin away but also for who You are - Truth.  Your word is truth and without Your word I would be nowhere - lost in broken world of sin, deceit, and eternal damnation.  I am full of harmful thoughts and talk about others - Lord, I know you love me anyway so thank You.  Yet I seek Your forgiveness and I seek Your help to purify and refine me so that Your desires are my desires.  Transform my heart and life and make me Yours in all ways.