Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Proverbs 31

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. v8-9

Dustin cannot articulate for himself as perhaps others kids can and perhaps he might always be limited to do....I don't know.  I do know that God blessed me with his life and He placed him in my care so that I can bring glory to Him.  God has a plan for me and for Dustin.  

Help me be the man You intend for me and help me be the man that Dustin needs for him to be the man God intends for him.

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:16

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10
A person’s steps are directed by the LordHow then can anyone understand their own way? Proverbs 20:24
My Prayer:  Lord Jesus, You are an awesome God and I You have directed my steps through dark valleys to the highest peaks.  You have blessed me and You keep watch over me.  I know that apart from You I can do nothing.  Thank You for keeping watch over me and for blessing me...far beyond what I deserve.  I am not worth such efforts as I continue to lack patience and I am lazy - I know I am not the man You intend for me and there is work to do.  Please forgive me and help me turn from my sin towards You.  Help me love You with all of my heart, soul, and mind.  Help me love others as You do.  Help me grow in my faith.  Give Lisa and myself strength and wisdom.  Help me and Lisa be the parents You intend for Zach and Dustin.  Please heal and cure Lisa of her cancer and the side effects from chemo.  Help me point Zach and Dustin to You Jesus and for them to choose You as their Lord and savior.  Help me serve You, my family, the church, and others.  Help me understand, be obedient to, and apply Your message for me today and every day.