Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Envy and Greed Just Get in the Way

Today's Reading
Genesis chps 31

Here we see more envy and greed and how it gets in the way of our relationship with God and certainly in the way of relationships with others.

"Jacob heard that Laban's sons were saying, Jacob has taken everything our father owned and has gained all this wealth from what belonged to our father. And Jacob noticed that Laban's attitude toward him was not what it had been. " (Gen 31:1-2)

It even infects Rachel and Leah.

"Then Rachel and Leah replied, Do we still have any share in the inheritance of our father's estate? Does he not regard us as foreigners? Not only has he sold us, but he has used up what was paid for us. Surely all the wealth that God took away from our father belongs to us and our children." (Gen 31:14-16)

God sees pending conflict and implores Laban:

"Then God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream at night and said to him, Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad." (Gen 31:24)

Conflict ensues, yet is ultimately resolved as Jacob and Laban make a new covenant together.

"Come now, let's make a covenant, you and I, and let it serve as a witness between us." (Gen 31:44)

Envy and greed run through this story and we see how material possessions, wealth, and earthly things and our focus/comfort in them only separate ourselves from God and from others. We often view these things as things that can help us have more friends, more satisfaction, and more love. But this is not true - it is when we let go of these things when we draw closer to God.

My Prayer: Forgive me as I cling to earthly possessions. Lord, help me let go of these things and draw closer to you.