Monday, April 19, 2010

Sarai Pursue's Her Own Path

Today's Reading
Genesis chps 20-21

In Genesis 16, we read how Sarai gives Hagar, her maidservant, to Abram for purposes of giving him a child. It was definitely a source of frustration for both Sarai and Abram that they remained childless, and despite God's own assurances (Gen 15:4), they pursue their own path.

Not surprisingly, this path does does not work out for Sarai and Abram and they cast out both Hagar and the son borne from Hagar and Abram.

In time (Gen 21), Sarah bears a child of her own - Issac.

See interesting commentary here. How many times do we pursue our own path? This is a difficult one for all of us - I know for myself that while I have definitely come to depend on Him more so now then previously, I am still too confident in my own abilities - even arrogant.

My Prayer: Lord, please help me depend on you; help me seek your will over my own. Rid me of my arrogance. Help me come to know you even more so that I can better understand your will for my life. Help me not make unwise choices - earthly choices. I love you Lord.