Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Am I Happy With How God Has Created Me and With What God Has Given Me?

Today's Reading
Genesis chps 23-25

In these chapters we learn about the death of Sarah, of Issac's marriage to Rebekah, and of the birth of Esau and Jacob. The brothers are twins yet from inside the whom it is clear how they are destined:

The LORD said to her,
Two nations are in your womb,
and two peoples from within you will be separated;
one people will be stronger than the other,
and the older will serve the younger. (Gen 25:23)

When they grew up, both showed dissatisfaction with their station. Jacob desired Esau's birthright and Esau despised his birthright. So Esau exchanged his birthright with Jacob for some bread and stew. While this may seem a fair and amicable trade, one does have to ask by implication: how am I dissatisfied with how God has created me and with what God has given me?

My Prayer: Lord, I know that I am as David proclaims 'fearfully and wonderfully made.' Please help me recognize this not just in my head but in my heart such that I seek nothing but you - if feel a need or a hunger let me seek you out and not people or things or activities to satisfy this hunger. Forgive me when I do and help me focus on you.