Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Faith Without Question or Hesitation

Today's Reading
Genesis 22

What is amazing about this passage is that Abraham does not question or hesitate to follow God's instructions to sacrifice the only son born to him and Sarah - a son for whom they waited nearly an entire lifetime to have and raise.

This is unlike many of the other interactions Abraham has with God. Earlier in Genesis 15:2, Abraham doubts God can provide the great reward He promises with the covenant He makes with Abraham. Again in Genesis 16, Abraham and Sarah, despite God's promise to bear a son of their own, seek a plan of their own doing (and not of God's). And once again, in Genesis 17:17, Abraham scoffs at the notion that he and Sarah can have children at such an advanced age.

In Genesis 22, Abraham is instructed by God to do what all of us would consider unthinkable - to sacrifice their one and only son! Unlike previous occasions, Abraham does not question and does not hesitate - such faith!

On one hand I say to myself, I am not capable of such things - I would not follow God's instructions. Further, I would likely go my own way as did Sarah and Abraham as they bore a child through Hagar the maid-servant.

On the other hand, I feel that with God's help I could perhaps do something like this. I try not to think of my own sons Zach and Dustin, both of whom I love deeply - my focus is only on Him. It almost brings me to tears. I reflect further and begin to feel not anger in the Lord but almost a sense of deeper love for Him - how clear an indication do we need that God is trying to use us when he instructs us in such a way. It becomes clear that God has a plan for us.

My Prayer: Lord, please help me follow you without question and without hesitation. Help me free myself from distractions and focus on your will. Forgive me when I seek my own hand. Help me focus on your glory and your will.