Friday, May 31, 2013

But you, Lord my God, brought my life up from the pit.

Jonah 2

But you, Lord my God,
brought my life up from the pit. v6

Despite the fact that Jonah disobeyed the Lord by running away to Tarshish, the Lord nonetheless had mercy and compassion for Jonah.  He certainly could have killed him and as punishment but God of course had other plans.

God is great in how He redeems our sin for His glory.  The bible is full of stories of how God used and redeemed the sin of men for His glory - I can think of Moses and Saul (Paul) as two examples.  I have seen God redeem my sin of arrogance to bring me closer to Him.  He has brought me up from my own pit and blessed me despite me being unworthy of such blessings.  God is great indeed.

My Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are indeed great!  You have brought me out the pit...and You have been full of mercy, compassion, and kindness towards me.  I am not worthy of such blessing! Thank You for Your love and blessings but I sin and I seek Your forgiveness.  I need Your forgiveness for anger, lack of patience, and more!  Please forgive me Jesus.  Help me so that Your heart and Your desires are my heart and my desires.  Transform my heart and my life Jesus.  I want to serve You and live a bold and daring faith - for You and Your glory!