Saturday, May 9, 2020

Mephibosheth said to the king, “Let him take everything, now that my lord the king has returned home safely.”

2 Samuel 19:5-20:26

Mephibosheth said to the king, “Let him take everything, now that my lord the king has returned home safely.” 2 Samuel 19:30

Day 103 of my chronological study of the Bible with The Daily Bible® - In Chronological Order (NIV®) (available by purchase through Amazon - author F. LaGard Smith) focuses on David's return to Jerusalem from exile following the death of Absalom. Mephibosheth's love for David and his interaction with David highlights what John Piper calls the love of "dead dogs" for a king.

Mephibosheth was the last surviving member of Saul's family and Jonathan's son - he was lame following an accident where he was dropped (2 Samuel 4:4).  After Saul's death and David becomes king, David shows great compassion and mercy for Mephibosheth and takes him in as his own - Mephibosheth's reacts humbly, saying: "What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me? (2 Samuel 9)".  After David's return, Mephibosheth is cleared of any wrong doing related to Ziba's deception to obtain all remaining property of Saul (2 Samuel 16), and David seeks to restore/return this property to Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 19:29).  Even though this gesture is what Piper calls "distinctly unfair" (Mephibosheth should get the majority if not all of the property), Mephibosheth is more grateful for David's return vs the return of property.

Piper writes: 

"Brothers, our debt to God is infinite. We are worse than dead dogs in the situation in which find ourselves. We have done far worse than Mephibosheth".

"And there is another verse I have thought a lot about recently in Luke 17:10. When you have done all your duty say, 'We are unworthy servants.'"

"So, brothers, I conclude with this: There are many roots of uselessness in the ministry, many causes of doctrinal liberalism and spiritual weakness. And one of the great causes of both is a lack of deep brokenness, a sense that we deserve something, we deserve for life to go better for us. We deserve to get a good job, we deserve to have a better marriage, we deserve to not get cancer. This makes us spiritual weaklings. Often in the guise of savvy leaders, it leads to false doctrine and bad instincts for what is true and biblical. And worst of all, it destroys love for Jesus."

"We truly are all dead dogs. We are worse than Mephibosheth, and we have been loved. We have been set regally at the King’s table."

I am deeply convicted this morning by Piper's post and commentary on Mephibosheth from 2 Samuel 19.  I have for a long time now felt deserving of a better job - that my current job is beneath me.  How foolish and sinful!!  I should be grateful that I have a job right now as I am undeserving!  I am, like Mephibosheth a dead dog - no better!

My Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are an incredible God who invites me to Your table - thank You Jesus!  I am not deserving!  I am full of pride and arrogance.  Please forgive me Jesus and help me overcome and turn from my sin towards You.  Help me love You with all of my heart, soul, and mind and love others as You love me.  Help me grow in my faith.  Give Lisa and myself wisdom and strength.  Please heal Lisa of her cancer and from the side effects of chemo.  Help us lead Zach and Dustin to You Jesus and for them to choose You as their Lord and Savior. Please provide Godly friends and spouses to Zach and Dustin.  Help me serve You, my family, my church, and others.  Help me understand, be obedient to, and apply Your message for me today and every day.