Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Jesus warned them sternly, “See that no one knows about this.” But they went out and spread the news about him all over that region.

Matthew 9

Jesus warned them sternly, “See that no one knows about this.” But they went out and spread the news about him all over that region. v30-31

As Jesus continues His ministry, He raises a dead girl (whose father is a synagogue leader), heals a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years, restores the sight of two men, and drove out the demon from a man.

Jesus gave a stern warning to the blind men not to speak of what they experienced (v30) but they spread news of Jesus all over the region.

Jesus of course knows what is to happen to Him and knows that regardless of what the blind men do, He will still go to the cross.  Yet this warning to the blind men makes me think of how Jesus provides these men an opportunity to be obedient - a test if you will. They fail, but Jesus does provide a "way out" (see 1 Corinthians 10:13).

John Piper addresses such tests in the following posts.
Will God Ever Give Us More Than We Can Handle?
Suffering That Strengthens Faith

In the latter post, Piper refers us to James 1:2, where we are warned of how we will face "trials of many kinds".  The definition of trial includes that of a "test" where we are intended to grow in our abilities, to perform to a higher level.  

Jesus does want us to grow.  See also