Wednesday, September 2, 2020

I warned you when you felt secure, but you said, ‘I will not listen!’ his has been your way from your youth; you have not obeyed me.

2 Kings 24, 2 Chronicles 36, and Jeremiah 48-49, 22

I warned you when you felt secure, but you said, ‘I will not listen!’ his has been your way from your youth; you have not obeyed me. Jeremiah 22:21

Day 219 of my chronological study of the Bible with The Daily Bible® - In Chronological Order (NIV®) (available by purchase through Amazon - author F. LaGard Smith) continues as I return to Jeremiah with additional historical context provided from 2 Kings 24:1-6 and 2 Chronicles 36:8.  My commentary* describes how "Jehoiakim has the audacity to rebel against Nebuchadnezzar. Fortunately for Judah, Nebuchadnezzar does not react with immediate military force, at least not directly. However, he may well be the motivating force behind the attacks against Judah by several of its neighbors over a four-year period of inconclusive war. Jehoiakim is destined to live his last days in wearying conflict." My commentary* also describes how God rises up Judah's neighbors to harass Judah (2 Kings 24:2-4).  Jeremiah then pronounces judgment Judah's enemies, including Moab, Ammon, Edom, Damascus, and Kedar and Hazor.

*Smith, F. LaGard. The Daily Bible® - In Chronological Order (NIV®). Harvest House Publishers. Kindle Edition. 

Jeremiah 22 details God's Word regarding Jehoiakim's impending death, while 2 Kings 24:5-6 and 2 Chronicles 36:8 records Jehoiakim's death. God's message to Jehoiakim in Jeremiah 22:21 is convicting for those who have or continue to refuse to heed God's Word during times of peace, prosperity and security. 

We must worship God during both