Saturday, November 4, 2023

Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.

2 Thessalonians 3

Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living. 2 Thessalonians 3:12

I continue my pause of my study of 1 Corinthians as I participate in a men's discipleship group (d-group) at my church.  This morning, on week 2-day 2, my focus is a review of 2 Thessalonians 3 assisted by the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary Series volume for 1-2 Thessalonians to unpack the text. The commentary's divisions for this text are spread over two chapters of the commentary where the main idea for from the commentary for 2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:5 is*: "[g]enuinely converted people will bear the fruit of transformed lives," and the divisions/sub-divisions that cover chapter 3 include*:

  • They Are Secure in God’s Salvation (2:16-3:5)
    • A guarded faith (3:2-3)
    • A growing faith (3:1,4)

The main idea from the commentary* for 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18: "Christians have an obligation to hold one another accountable for how they pursue their work and how they relate to one another."  Key excerpts from the introduction of the commentary for this text include*: "[s]urprisingly, one of the greatest dangers to the Thessalonian church was not a blatant attack from people on the outside, but the carelessness and laziness of people on the inside....This is not the first encounter with these individuals. In fact, they appeared several times in Paul’s first letter (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12; 5:14). Some suggest that these people represent those who have quit their jobs in anticipation of the coming of Christ. Others argue that they were poor members of the church who were taking advantage of the affluent members. Whoever these people were and whatever the reason for their irresponsibility, clearly their conduct and their attitude were adversely affecting the church.  Paul clearly sees the need to address this issue." Divisions from the commentary for this text:

  1. Don’t Be Lazy (3:6b-10): We are referred to Colossians 3:23-24 where Paul writes how, regardless of what we do, "work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men"; Paul* provides two reasons why Christians should avoid laziness: (a) "Christianity was worthless unless it found its way into the fabric of life....If we take God’s Word seriously, then we will take it to work with us. That is, how we do our work will reflect on the One we claim to worship."  Paul* seeks to admonish "in the strongest words possible" those in the church who are idle. He writes how he has worked and how this should serve as an example.
  2. Don’t Be a Burden (3:11-12): Paul* points out that idle "individuals [in the church] were becoming a burden to those who were seeking to quietly live out their faith. It’s one thing to be out of line, but it is an entirely different matter when you become a distraction to the entire church."
  3. Don’t Be Weary (3:13): Paul* turns to those who were not being idle to encourage them to keep going in their good works in serving the Lord. Apparently these members of the church in Thessalonica were becoming discouraged "by the wayward members and so [were] tempted to lose heart or patience, [so] Paul challenges them to keep doing the right thing." 
  4. Don’t Be Negligent (3:6, 14-15): Paul* describes that church discipline is critical and that "God expects His people to take an active role in maintaining the purity and guarding the integrity of His church."  Church leadership and the body must be on-guard for idleness and inaction and address it swiftly.    
  5. Don’t Be Forgetful (3:16-18): In his benediction, Paul* offers a prayer that recognizes that the "Thessalonians were going to need divine enablement to live in the manner set forth in his letters."

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My Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are an awesome God who loves me and who is always at work for me - and You give me gifts and talents to use for Your glory.  I am amazed at how You use gifts and talents for Your glory in the church.  Thank You for how You equip me in my role as father, husband and worker.  I am not deserving of Your blessings and love.  My sin is great and it continues...daily.  Please forgive me Jesus and help me overcome and turn from my sin towards You.  Help me love You with all of my heart, soul, and mind and love others as You love me.  Help me grow in my faith.  Give Lisa and myself wisdom and strength.  Please heal Lisa of her cancer and from the side effects of chemo.  Help us lead Zach and Dustin to You Jesus and for them to choose You as their Lord and Savior.  Please provide Godly friends and spouses to Zach and Dustin.  Help me serve You, my family, my church, and others.  Help me understand, be obedient to, and apply Your message for me today and every day.

*Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary Series, Exalting Jesus in 1-2 Thessalonians, Mark Howell