Thursday, April 7, 2022

For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God.

Isaiah 24-25

For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God. Hebrews 11:10

I continue my deep dive of Isaiah, based on the Precept Upon Precept study series. Today, on Lesson 9, Day 2, the focus is again on Isaiah 24.  Similar to my focus and post yesterday where I discussed how believers are citizens in Heaven, my focus today contrasts how the sinful of Isaiah's day put their faith in cities built by human hands. We are referred to Hebrews 11:10 where Abraham is provided as an example of faithfulness.  Abraham is one example of many in this chapter of Hebrews - a chapter that is often referred to as the "Hall of Faith." This chapter contains many examples, from Abel, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, etc. to detail how heroes of the faith persevered through challenging times and the unknown by focusing on something that they could not see and would not see in an earthly lifetime.  My commentary outlines this chapter as having the following divisions:

  1.  God's judgement on the entire earth (v1-6)
  2.  End of worldly joy (v7-12)
  3.  Reaction of righteous (v13-16)
  4.  Inescapable judgement outside of Christ (v17-22)
  5.  Finale: God's glorious city (v23)

Clearly, we see a prophecy of end times and there is much to fear for those who are not in Christ.  Yet for those who are in Christ, we can rely on the certainty that this life is not the end and we are to persevere and endure through this life and its trials - and place our hope in Heaven which will be glorious indeed!

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My Prayer: Lord, You are glorious indeed and You have saved a place for me in Heaven - something I know is glorious and I am grateful.  Yet I know I am not deserving.  I have sin...daily...please forgive me Jesus and help me overcome and turn from my sin towards You.  Help me love You with all of my heart, soul, and mind and love others as You love me.  Help me grow in my faith. Give Lisa and myself wisdom and strength.  Please heal Lisa of her cancer and from the side effects of chemo.  Help us lead Zach and Dustin to You Jesus and for them to choose You as their Lord and Savior.  Please provide Godly friends and spouses to Zach and Dustin.  Help me serve You, my family, my church, and others.  Help me understand, be obedient to, and apply Your message for me today and every day.